Pregnant in My Heart Adoption adn Foster Care Resources

Tell the world you are about to be a mom through adoption (Mom-In-Waiting) with our
NEW Pregnant in My Heart TM T-shirts and other fun products!

(These items are also great for any adoption advocate. )

and watch for more designs coming soon!

Adoption Support Adoption ApparealAdoption T-shirts

Want to know the story behind these t-shirts and other great products?
(or click here to

The idea behind Pregnant in My Heart - Adopt - apparel and journals came when I was in the final stages of being able to bring my daughter home from Guatemala. While I was standing in a line at Starbucks, a pregnant lady, who was also clearly in her final stages before her child came home with her, walked into the store. The instant "oohs" and "ahhhs" and "When are you due?" questions created a new feeling in me. It was the only time in my entire waiting process that I was jealous of a pregnant lady.

I wanted to scream-
"LOOK AT ME! I am pregnant in my heart!"
"I have a baby coming home too- it just doesn't show on the outside of me!"

Pregnant in My Heart Adoption  T-shirt

I once heard this great quote, "There are moments in life when you love someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real." That is what it feels like when you are waiting for your child to come home...You love them when they are still just a dream, when you your tummy hasn't changed a bit, but you really want to scream- LOOK AT ME, I'M PREGNANT IN MY HEART!!

So now you can scream it!

This is just the start of our Pregnant in My Heart TM product line- there is so much more than meets the eye, and we can't wait to share it with you...wait...kind of like you when you are Pregnant in Your Heart!

Hey, Enjoy the journey! Tell a friend! NO! Tell everyone!
You are about to burst with anticipation of what is about to arrive in your life! SHOUT IT OUT!

WARNING! Wearing this product does not a Mommy-in-Waiting make. You can also wear this product simply to help educate, excite and encourage others about adoption. Go ahead! Shout a little for the children, and all the forever families out there who need a voice! We'll all love you for it!

SHOP OUR STORE NOW and watch for more designs coming soon!

Adoption Journal

Thank you for
supporting Pregnant in My Heart TM and for helping increase awareness of, and excitement about, adoption through the purchase of this product! We hope you wear or use your Pregnant in My Heart product with pride.

Now go on...Tell a friend about us and let's keep spreading the word about adoption!

Back to the Pregnant in My Heart hompage.

Adoption Parenting Tips


Pregnant in My Heart (TM) is an online adoption and foster care resource that also offers adoption-wear for moms-in-waiting
(adoption clothing, T-shirts, journals and more), adoptive families or adoption advocates. Helping change the way people think and talk about adoption!